From the Outside with Sarah C
Nature is magic! It jump-starts our joy, cultivates our curiosity, and awakens our awe. It is the foundation to our sense of belonging and purpose. Join me as we discover and deepen our individual and collective connections with nature purposefully and intentionally.
From the Outside with Sarah C
Fire Element
In this episode 19, Fire Element, I explore the element of Fire! Although an uncontrolled burn in nature can lead to large scale devastation and loss, low-intensity, controlled fire is an important element in natural systems. It promotes renewal, regeneration, and growth. In its heat, energy, and ignition, the fiery properties of volcanic activity create a solid, fertile foundation to our planet. Listen learn, and practice as I explore and ponder how we can use the warmth of the Fire element to guide and manage our own fiery passion and intensity to light up our purpose and path!