From the Outside with Sarah C
Nature is magic! It jump-starts our joy, cultivates our curiosity, and awakens our awe. It is the foundation to our sense of belonging and purpose. Join me as we discover and deepen our individual and collective connections with nature purposefully and intentionally.
From the Outside with Sarah C
In this episode 16, we conclude our examination into the Fairy Circle model, a means of cultivating a more purposeful and intentional relationship with nature. In this episode, we explore the ultimate connection to the natural world, ourselves, and each other – our sense of Belonging. It is in our deep relationship with our authentic self where we discover our purpose, acknowledge our unique place in the Universe, and cultivate our connections with others from an open heart-space filled with gratitude, love, joy, wonder, beauty, peace, and awe. How do we grow our sense of belonging? One way is through deepening our relationship with nature. We can explore and tap into our feelings and emotions without judgement. As we deepen our relationship to our authentic self through nature, we cultivate our confidence in who we are, why we are here, and what is our purpose. We grow our sense of Belonging to ourselves, to others, and to the greater collective. Listen, learn , and practice as I explore the BIG connection of Belonging. Join me in 2024 and Season 2 as I explore connecting to nature's elements and landscapes!