From the Outside with Sarah C
Nature is magic! It jump-starts our joy, cultivates our curiosity, and awakens our awe. It is the foundation to our sense of belonging and purpose. Join me as we discover and deepen our individual and collective connections with nature purposefully and intentionally.
From the Outside with Sarah C
In this episode 14, we continue to discover our deeper connections, belowground, from our ring of visible mushrooms, our seven fruiting bodies of feelings and emotions - beauty, joy, love, gratitude, wonder, awe, and peace. Here, we find our interconnectedness - kinship, harmony, and balance. In this episode, I explore Balance in the context of the human relationship with the smaller ecological systems of order - community, population, species, and individual organism. I propose the following question - How does the dis-integration of humans, a prolific and pervasive population, and our autonomy from these smaller systems of nature, create imbalance and instability, both in nature and in ourselves? Biological communities and humans can cultivate characteristics that support health and stability. Complexity reinforces resilience and balance. Listen, learn, and practice as I explore how we can restore our relationship with nature, and balance within ourselves through honoring the complexity of the natural world, conceding to the unknown, and cultivating our sense of kinship with the world around us.