From the Outside with Sarah C
Nature is magic! It jump-starts our joy, cultivates our curiosity, and awakens our awe. It is the foundation to our sense of belonging and purpose. Join me as we discover and deepen our individual and collective connections with nature purposefully and intentionally.
From the Outside with Sarah C
In this episode 13, we continue to discover our deeper connections, belowground from our ring of visible mushrooms, our seven fruiting bodies of feelings and emotions beauty, joy, love, gratitude, wonder, awe, and peace. Here, we find our interconnectedness – kinship, harmony, and balance. In this episode, I explore Harmony, including the role of humans in agreement and integration with nature, within the bigger picture of Earth's larger systems and from the lens of scientific knowledge. Healthy, natural systems are harmonious, balanced, and resilient to perturbations or disturbances. In addition, there is diversity and abundance. Everything in nature is connected to everything else. The human species has dis-integrated from nature. Our planet is in a state of global scale disharmony and humans have played a big role in creating the chaos. Listen, learn, and practice as I explore how we can restore harmony to our natural world and to ourselves.