From the Outside with Sarah C
Nature is magic! It jump-starts our joy, cultivates our curiosity, and awakens our awe. It is the foundation to our sense of belonging and purpose. Join me as we discover and deepen our individual and collective connections with nature purposefully and intentionally.
From the Outside with Sarah C
In this episode 12, we begin to dive deeper, belowground from our ring of visible mushrooms that create our fairy circle, to find harmony and balance, and unearth our sense of belonging, purpose, and part. It is here where we cultivate Kinship. We are all connected – we are made of the same elements, just put together in different ways. The meaning of kinship is as varied as the bonds between the elements that create us. Kinship can refer to our blood relatives – those with whom we share our DNA. It extends to our friends or adoptive family. In the circle of life, we are kin to all that surrounds us – nature, living and non-living. We are an integral part, in form and function, with a larger system. Each of us is a ripple in a bigger pool. In natural systems, everything is dependent on everything else. As a species, we have lost our sense of kinship with the natural world - its systems, rhythms, and cycles. We have become autonomous and separated from our source of life and nature’s wisdom. We are independent without interdependence. How do we reconnect to our source of life? How do shift our perspective to heal our environment? How do we honor our source and kin who share this space and time on our beautiful planet? Listen and learn as we explore Kinship through my thoughts, stories, writing, and practice.